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New Age Parenting Challenges & Ways to Deal with Them

New Age Parenting Challenges & Ways to Deal with Them

Parenting has always been a rewarding journey!

But the joy of raising kids also comes with a set of unique challenges.

From the tough love of the baby boomers to the present-day gentle parenting paradigm, each era has a different set of hardships.

In this parenting guide, we wish to address the challenges of new-age parenting. Be with us to learn about some long-term consistent practices to ease your journey as a modern-day parent.

So before we take you through some good parenting tips, here’s a look at some related statistics about modern-day parenting:   

  • Worries about problematic behavior in kids are real-
    3 out of 4 kids (around 75%) experience problematic gaming behaviors.

Top concerns of parents in the modern age-

Concerns of Indian parents %
Concerned about screen addiction 95%
Worry about gaming addiction 80%
Adult content consumption 70%

top concerns of parents in the modern age | New age parenting Concerns

Being a new mom life is tough-

Statistics reveal the struggles of these women under the following headers.

Issues with new-age mothers %
Are cranky 85%
Have sleep problems 76%
Are sleep deprived 64%

Percentage of families going nuclear by year | New Age Families


Isn’t it?

After these stats, let’s start with the topic:

What are the Challenges of Modern-Day Parenting?

Adapting to Cultural and Lifestyle Changes

When we enter adulthood, all we know is the parenting style of the previous generations. Most of us trust this knowledge of the yesteryears and try to apply it as it is parents.


In a world that is witnessing a random shift in norms, age-old systems, practices, and words of wisdom are losing value. And the struggle to adapt to cultural changes makes rearing kids a super-tough task for most parents.

Striking a Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance issue is a relatable term for most parents!

Workplace stress, shrinking salaries, fidgety kids, and fussy house help are everyday scenarios in our Indian homes. Real-world challenges like these make parenting a complex process with each passing day. In the past, a parenting guide would not focus on these so-called ‘trivial’ matters. But today, these are the most relevant challenges that most parents battle with day in and out.

Filtering Information

With more and more families going nuclear, the Internet is the sole parenting guide for many parents. The practice of relying on social media for information entangles us in the sinister world of mindless information overload. Very soon, the trap of endless scrolling takes over our minds. And the flood of new perspectives plants more and more misleading information in our minds. So filtering out relevant information is a big challenge for most parents in this generation.

<As of 2008, only 37% of the Indian households were nuclear. But by 2022, this weightage was almost 50%.>

Percentage of families going nuclear by year

Disciplining Kids

Most parents realize that kids today are more sensitive than their generation. And once again, this makes their existing knowledge of parenting and disciplining kids (passed through generations) obsolete in many ways.

So tailoring strategies to discipline kids in today’s age is taxing for most parents.

After these challenges, let’s take a look at the ways to deal with them.

Parenting Tips– How to Deal with New Age Parenting Challenges

Create a Stimulated Environment at Home

Creative and imaginative kids tend to have fewer behavior issues, making it easier for parents (across all parenting styles) to handle them at home. So invest your time and energy in creating a safe and stimulating environment.

All you need to do is to make appropriate arrangements for kids to learn and explore their surroundings. And more importantly, spare some time to create a joyous family environment for your kid.

Studies suggest that creative activities like painting, drawing, storytelling, freewriting, etc. reduce behavioral risks. So cut down on unnecessary screen time (other than the online school hours), and switch to these engaging activities with your beloved kid.

Help Kids Distinguish Right and Wrong

Before you expect your kids to exhibit desirable traits, develop the right skills to be a sensitive parent.

Nothing beats the effectiveness of establishing clear home rules while disciplining kids. As a parent, prioritize setting boundaries to help your kid understand the connection between their actions and their consequences. This way, you will have fewer challenges and arguments with the kid.

Try it this way-

If your kid misbehaves, explain how this behavior is unpleasant for the family, and the onlookers. This kind of behavior makes everyone sad. At the same time, good behavior is a great value add for the family.

These good parenting tips will make your life easier.

Be Warm and Sensitive

Kids with sensitive parents have better resilience in life. So being sensitive is one of the good parenting tips that can help you reduce your modern-day challenges. Learn about the right selection of words, practice mindfulness, and develop a habit of looking at the positives over the negatives. All this will help you combat everyday situations such as talk back, attention-seeking behavior, temper tantrums, etc., thereby reducing your challenges considerably.

Know What to Avoid

Helicopter, neglectful, permissive, and authoritarian parenting styles with strict punishment, are never a choice for new-age parents. And in this age of digital parenting, the good thing is that we have access to data that shows the negative impact of these practices (or a wrong parenting style) on kids.

Learn about all this in advance. And keep a check on your style to keep any negativity at bay.

Some Quick Parenting Tips Before We Wrap Up-

  • Understand the developmental needs of kids to keep track of their growth.
  • Collaborate with other parents to get more parenting tips.
  • Follow the parenting style that works best for your kid.
  • Do not lose calm, and prioritize your physical and emotional well-being
  • Focus on quality family time to raise a happy kid.

The Bottom Line

As parents, it is important for us to understand that the traditional techniques of parenting are not valid in today’s world. We are raising a different and sensitive generation. And modern parenting techniques are a must to nurture truly balanced and well-rounded DIGITAL NATIVES!

Thanks for Reading!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the most common advice given by the best parenting guide?
    There is no set parenting style that can work for all families. Understand your family conditions, and the temperament of your kid to choose the most suitable parenting style.
  • What are some good parenting tips for stubborn kids?
    Do not label the kid with negative words. Respond to unfair demands calmly, offer choices if possible, reinforce good behavior, and discipline the kid by setting clear home rules.

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