Sound mental health and well being are the crucial determinants to lead a fulfilling life!
India along with the world is making strides in addressing mental health and well-being issues in adults and youth.
But the real change comes with us – THE STAKEHOLDERS.
With a spike in the number of suicides and soaring mental health issues, it’s time to ask ourselves, ARE WE DOING ENOUGH TO HELP OUR YOUNGER GENERATIONS COMBAT THESE CHALLENGES?
Unfortunately, Not!
It’s better late than never.
Today we have all you need. This information will be a guiding light for you to learn about mental health why is it important, and the ways to deal with these issues.
Be with us!
What is Mental Health?
As per the World Health Organization, mental health can be defined as a state of mental well-being. It helps us to cope with the stressors of life. And is integral to lead a satisfying life. One’s mental health affects thinking, behavior, and the capacity to deal with unexpected situations.
For any individual, mental health also helps to relate with others. Similarly, student mental health navigates the most crucial stage of childhood and adolescence along with some other important factors.
Mental health and well being is affected by poverty, disability, inequality and violence, etc. But in the case of students, the reasons can be multiple and quite different. Let’s discover.
Why do Mental Health Issues Occur in Students?
- Academic stressors (peer pressure, fear of stigma due to failure, comparison, expectations, etc.)
- Use of social media
- Childhood trauma
- Genetic factors
- Family pressure and environment
- Abusive adults (other environmental factors)
- Constant stress
- Career-related confusions
- Nutritional deficiencies
The Real Importance of Mental Health for Students?
In the vulnerable stages of childhood and adolescence, good mental health or managing related issues is the only way to protect our students from several negative outcomes.
Because the damage caused by the worst of these (like suicide and attempts) is often irreversible.
What are the Consequences of Mental Health for Students?
Mental health and students tendencies dominated by these issues lead to devastating consequences like suicidal behaviors.
In a study, 35% of students were diagnosed with a substance disorder, anxiety, etc. 32.7% of these surveyed students had suicidal ideation, 17.5% had plans to attempt, and 4.3% attempted suicide.
Another survey shows that 69% of the youth do not recognize the suicide warning signs. 58.4% feel distressed due to academic pressure. And only 2% would reach out to a professor for help.
Some More Data and Statistics
- Between the years 2012 to 2022, there was a 99% increase in the suicide rates of male students and 92% in females.
- There has been a spike in student suicide cases from 6% in 2014 to 7.6% in 2022.
It’s time to talk about solutions and tips now.
How to Help with Student Mental Health Issues
Recognize Warning Signs
Trauma, behavior change, emotional turmoil, anxiety, depression, and unexplained sadness can be identified with some standard patterns. Knowing about these signs and understanding red flags related to mental health for students are imperative to plan an intervention.
Brush up your knowledge about these issues. And do not hesitate to involve a practitioner (counselor, expert, psychologist, etc.) if you have the slightest doubt.
Promote a Balanced Lifestyle
A nurturing environment with healthy lifestyle choices supports positive mental health and students in many ways. Help the student stay active with sports and extracurricular activities and keep a check on overall screen time. Guide the student with healthy meals, snacking options, meditation, etc. to keep physical health issues at bay.
Encourage Open Communication
Do you know that most student suicides are silent in nature?
It is both alarming and eye-opening at the same time.
As stakeholders, we not only need to know why is mental health important, but also promote open communication to gauge issues well in time. There is nothing more comforting than the support of caregivers in the crucial years of adolescence. Render this support through a 100% judgment-free environment. And keep these communication channels open at all times.
Stakeholders- Check Your Behavior
Comparisons, expectations, and negative comments might seem alright to many parents and stakeholders at times.
But these are NOT!
Humans are unique in every sense and no two students can be alike. Understand mental health why is it important. And watch your word selection for negative comments, and sky-high expectations when you interact with the student.
Parent-Teacher Collaboration
Partnering with your child’s teacher and school community gives insights into the unique challenges faced by others. For all of us, the importance of mental health and the well-being of our students binds us with a common purpose. Collaborate in-person, or virtually to create a positive schooling culture. Someday, these open conversations will help you find solutions. So use these opportunities to broaden your horizon, and understand your child through the eyes of other knowledgeable individuals (teachers, counselors, etc.)
Tips for Improving the Mental Health (For Traditional and Online Students)
- Physical activity matters. Help the student take up exercise routinely with sports that are good for their mental health and well being.
- Explain the importance of mental health through activities and open discussions.
- Focus on mental health and students socialization simultaneously to avoid isolation-related issues.
- Check for behavioral changes, and discuss with experts to know the gravity of the issue.
- Collaborate with counselors and other stakeholders to keep track of student mental health and map the findings with academic achievements.
Final Words
Considering the importance of mental health in the increasingly complex world, socio-emotional learning is the sole key to promoting holistic wellness. By including SEL in our curriculum we can cultivate the right attitude towards mental health.
Fortunately, India has a network of International and accredited online schools with curriculums that incorporate SEL across all age groups. If you are a parent dealing with such issues, a wise schooling choice can make an ocean of a difference.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the importance of mental health?
We must understand mental health why is it important in all aspects. Without good mental health, one cannot lead a happy life. For students, the importance of mental health is paramount as it directly affects their academic achievements. - How to improve the mental health of students?
Encourage mindful practices like yoga, pranayam, meditation, etc. Indulge the student in sports, and promote resilience by being a good role model. - Why is it important to talk about mental health?
When we discuss student mental health, it helps in creating awareness about common issues, and recognizing red flags before things get serious. - What is the effect of mental health on students?
Poor mental health affects one’s personal goals and academic achievements adversely. These issues bring down the quality of life and lead to negative thought processes.
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