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Exploring the Meaning, Purpose, and Types of Evaluation in Education

Exploring the Meaning, Purpose, and Types of Evaluation in Education

Teachers are impactful leaders leading educational processes. They use different methods of evaluation. And assess the strengths and weaknesses of their students to improve learning outcomes.

These methods and techniques of evaluation are crucial in many ways. In fact, without these, the entire education process fails to meet the decided goals.

Here we will take up the meaning, methods, techniques, and purposes of evaluation to help make better use of these tools.

Stay with us as we define evaluation before moving on to other aspects.

What Is Evaluation in Education?

Evaluation in education is a systematic process that is used to assess the quality of teaching and learning practices. It is a yardstick that measures the effectiveness of instructional delivery by mapping the student’s progress through predefined learning outcomes. Educational measurements through evaluation present a clear picture of the entire process, giving insights into the workable areas. And most importantly, the need for modifications.

When we define evaluation, there is an obvious mention of the different methods used to gain valuable insights. Commonly, we identify these as classroom tests, projects, teacher observations, etc. Let’s jump to the next section and understand the purposes of evaluation.

What Are the Purposes of Evaluation?

Tracking Student Progress

One of the primary purposes of evaluation is to track the student’s progress sequentially. The techniques of evaluation measure the student’s mastery and conceptual understanding. These evaluations may differ as per the student’s level or the difficulty level of the content. But in all cases, it serves the same purpose of gauging the effectiveness of the educational process.

Diagnosis and Remedial Action  

Different types of evaluation in education indicate the student’s progress across subsequent stages. The concrete information procured through evaluations helps in aligning the instructions as per the gaps identified in the student’s learning. In this way, it helps in continuous development by highlighting the exact areas that need more attention or require remedial action.

Monitoring Overall Development

Through the methods of evaluation, stakeholders get a clear idea of the student’s holistic development. At times, students do not face academic challenges. But they might lag behind in other capabilities such as collaboration skills, or socializing with others.

Keeping the demands of the 21st-century in mind, it is important to focus on cognitive and non-cognitive capacities equally. Evaluation views the student’s personality holistically. And in this way, it caters to all domains of human development.

How do stakeholders assess students through different types of evaluation in education?

Monitoring Overall Development

Let’s figure out.

Types of Evaluation in Education


Periodic formative evaluation/assessment is planned to adjust teaching strategies during the academic year. Some of the popular formative assessments are quizzes, discussions, activities, and teacher observations. These are highly insightful techniques of evaluation. Because teachers conduct these continuously. And measure the student’s achievements across all development levels.


 In India, summative is one of the assessment types (methods of evaluation) used to gauge student progress in the middle and end of the academic year. In layman’s terms, these are detailed half-yearly and annual assessments carrying a larger score weightage than the formative assessments. Broadly, grading, promotion to the next class, ranking, or determining scholarships largely depend on the performance of summative assessments.

types of evaluation in education


Evaluation in education can also be diagnostic in nature. Both formative and summative evaluations give stakeholders a picture of the student’s standing at a particular stage. And a parallel diagnostic evaluation can be planned to eliminate the learning gaps.

In most cases, teachers plan diagnostic evaluations to learn about the specific causes behind academic gaps. It acts as a fresh start, wherein teachers check the previous understanding and carry out instructions to work on specific learning gaps.

How Do Methods and Techniques of Evaluation Contribute to Educational Processes

Revamping Curriculum

 Experts define evaluation as a wholesome process that extends from students, stakeholders, and the curriculum. And the methods of evaluation help stakeholders procure relevant data to revamp the curriculum design. To sum up, evaluation is an evidence-based approach to rework strategies of curriculum development.

Identifying Larger Areas of Improvement

Different types of evaluation in education help academicians learn about the effectiveness and scope of improvement in national policies. The gaps identified through data procured after an evaluation help stakeholders prioritize student learning and educational goals better.

For instance, India’s entire education system will undergo major changes with the National Policy of Education 2020. Below are some evaluation-related suggested reforms:

Reforms proposed by PARAKH, a unit of NCERT (yet to be implemented).

  • New weightage for formative and summative assessments!
Type Class 10 Class 11 Class 12
Formative 50% 40% 30%
Summative 50% 60% 70%

new weightage for formative and summative assessments

  • Reforms suggested for the inclusion of class 9th, 10th, and 11th performance in class 12th results with the following weightage.

reforms suggested for the inclusion of class 9,10 and 11 performance in the class

  • Twice a year board exam format is also expected to be rolled out from 2025-26.

Moving on to the levels now.

Levels of Evaluation

The defined purposes of evaluation are carried out at different levels namely:


The process of evaluation aims at continuous improvement. But for this, a teacher (in both a traditional or an online school) needs to compare the student’s performance with the previous evaluations. Academic gaps often get carried across grades, and semesters if left unattended. So to plan a systematic remedial action, this self-referenced level acts as an initial step.


To make the most of evaluation in education, teachers need strong planning and analytical skills. At this level, teachers track student’s progress. And gauge if they will be able to meet the defined learning objectives by the end of the instruction.


At this level, teachers carry out a comparative analysis of different students progressing under them. This helps them to know about the special requirements of a set of students and meet the actual purposes of evaluation.


We hope this information gave you valuable insights into the types of evaluation in education and its practical purposes. Use this information to improve the teaching and learning processes. And witness the delight of mentoring young generations with a hope of positivity.

We leave you with a synopsis of some regions in our country and their class X pass % in 2024.

Thanks for Reading!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Define evaluation.
    Evaluation is defined as a process of assessing the effectiveness of educational processes. It helps in meeting the quality standards as per the defined benchmark.
  • What are the types of evaluation in education?
    The common types of evaluation are formative, summative, and diagnostic.
  • How do the methods of evaluation help students and stakeholders?
    Different methods of evaluation help students and stakeholders meet the learning goals. These methods also allow them to gauge the areas of improvement. And in this way, evaluation creates a pathway to make changes for the betterment of the educational process.
  • What are the main purposes of evaluation?
    The purposes of evaluation include the identification of workable areas to make informed decisions. All this helps in improving the learning outcomes.

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